The heat and sunshine this week has been the cause of many irrationally good moods. It has also provided a good excuse for long lunches and early departures on normally busy days... Concentration was certainly not intended for weeks like this!
...These heady feelings are captured in this painting by Manet, (owned The Courtauld Gallery). It's all very strange; the naked lady juxtaposed by those two dapper men and that bathing nymph-like woman in the background. It really freaked out the squares when it was first displayed.
It's a satirical nod towards the representation of women, (a subject we might discuss for hours) Though, for today, I prefer to centre on the heady excitement the balmy weather does to a person and this very bizarre painting.... mmm.

(Image via The Courtauld Gallery. Just to clarify, this is the smaller version of Le Dejeuner surl'herbe owned by The Courtauld Gallery - the full size one resides in in the Musee d'Orsay Paris.)
ahh i had to study this image as part of a university module. Hate the painting but love history behind it.